Veterinary Emergencies

If you identify animals with either experimentally or non-experimentally induced illness that requires emergency care, please use the following procedures to notify the DLAR veterinary staff.

Vet Contacts During Working Hours (444-2194)

Veterinary Staff (7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m) Facility Pager/Phone #’s
Dr. Tom Zimmerman All facilities (631) 828-0396
Dr. Rachel Brownlee All facilities (631) 263-7501

Vet Contacts After Working Hours (evenings/weekends/holidays)

  • The numbers listed above may be used to contact the veterinary staff during evenings, weekends, and holidays.

Information Needed About Sick Animals

Be prepared to provide the veterinarian with the following information. Label the animals’ cage(s) so they will be easy to locate.

  • Investigator’s name/your name;
  • Species of animal and animal ID number;
  • Location of the animal (building, room #, rack or cage #);
  • Signs of illness;
  • Experimental manipulations the animal may have undergone;
  • Phone number where you can be reached.

If an animal needs immediate veterinary care, either call (or come to) the DLAR main office (4-2194). The DLAR office will send an emergency text to the veterinarian. If it is after hours, call the veterinarian on duty, as described above.