Checklist and Templates


Top 6 Things to know when Submitting an NIH Proposal in 2022 (New 3/2022)

Standard Proposal Timeline 

Standard NIH R01 Submission Checklist   Updated 2/23 for NIH H Forms 

Standard NIH R21/R03 Submission Checklist   Updated 2/23 for NIH H Forms 

NIH Fellowship Submission Checklist  Updated 3/23 for NIH H Forms 

NIH Career Development Award (K) Checklist Updated 3/23 for NIH H Forms

NIH Human Subject/Clinical Trial Checklist   This was not updated in the NIH H Form release other than the expiration dates



Templates - Updated 4/2023

Budget Creation Checklist (Word) (PDF

Budget Justification

Current and Pending Support New!

Facilities and Equipment 

      Template Developed by the Office of Proposal Development  

     SOM Core Services (PDF) (Word) Updated 6/2023 

Multiple PI Plan - Developed by the Office of Proposal Development  

Data Management and Sharing Plan - NIH Suggested format

Authentication of key biological and/or chemical resources - Developed by the Office of Proposal Development  

Letters of Support 

    Guidelines for Letters of Support

Resource Sharing Plan - Developed by the Office of Proposal Development 

Vertebrate Animals -  Developed by the Office of Proposal Development 

Select Agents  - Developed by the Office of Proposal Development