BCC Lectures and Workshops

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Click here to reserve a spot for the monthly open-door Zoom bootcamp (netID required)

Here are a list of topics covered.

Lecture Topics Abstract
Introduction to Biostatistics General concepts of biostatistics, how our biostatistician can help and how you should consult a biostatistician
Introduction to Inferential Statistics Introduction to confidence interval and hypothesis test
Sample size and power estimation  The abuse of power estimation; how to do sample size/power calculation; what you should bring when asking for a statistician's help
P-values & FDR what is p-value; misuse of p-value; multiple testing adjustment; FDR
Introduction to regression models What is a regression model? Linear regression, logistic regression and other regression models
Introduction to survival data analysis what is time to event data? what are appropriate methods for analyzing such data
Clinical trial design for Phase I,II, III Traditional Phase I, II, III clinical trial design
Introduction to adaptive trial design in oncology what is adaptive trial? practical considerations for designing an adaptive trial 
Introduction to clinical research methods Different clinical research designs
Introduction to Bioinformatics  What is Bioinformatics? 
Introduction to data deidentification How to de-identify your data file? What are the issues involved? 
Introduction to data management  what is data management? What is the good practice of data management
Competing risk events in time-to-event data analysis What is a competing risk event? Why and how to correctly handle these events in survival data analysis.
Data analysis for repeated measurements  What are appropriate statistical methods to analyze repeated measurements like longitudinal data?
Introduction to propensity score analysis what is propensity score; regular PS analysis methods like PS matching, PS stratification, PS regression; 
Workshop: introduction of data analysis using SAS How to use SAS for basic data processing, basic statistical tests such as t-test, ANOVA, chi-square test etc.  
Workshop: introduction of data analysis using SPSS How to use SPSS for basic data processing, basic statistical tests such as t-test, ANOVA, chi-square test etc.  
Workshop: introduction of data analysis using R How to use R for basic data processing, basic statistical tests such as t-test, ANOVA, chi-square test etc.  

If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, feel free to contact us.